Blog Archive

5 Ways to Thrive While Managing Gout Oct 1st, 2024

People usually associate gout with pain in the big toe. And, while that’s the joint most often affected, there is more to this condition than meets the eye. Gout is actually an inflammatory form of arthritis that typically affects one joint in the body at a time, and the intense...

Why It's Crucial to Get Help for a Slow-Healing Foot Wound Sep 20th, 2024

A small cut or blister on your foot might not seem like a big deal, but what if it doesn’t heal as expected? Slow-healing foot wounds can be more than just a nuisance; they can be a sign of a serious underlying issue.  At our Dallas, Texas, office, Dr. Francine...

3 Tips to Prevent Foot Warts Aug 8th, 2024

They're small, noncancerous, and usually not a medical concern, so why are plantar warts something you want to avoid? It boils down to the word plantar, which means these growths appear on the underside of your foot, and walking on them can be terribly uncomfortable. In fact, plantar warts, which...

Just Diagnosed with Hallux Rigidus? Here Are 5 Treatment Options Jul 8th, 2024

Big toe arthritis, or hallux rigidus, is a form of degenerative arthritis located at the base of your big toe. If recently diagnosed, you may worry about the disease's progression, pain, inflammation, and potential negative impact on your daily life. While the disease can progress, especially when left untreated, there...

Why Osteoporosis Increases Your Risk for a Foot Fracture Jun 11th, 2024

Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones, affects millions of people worldwide. This silent disease often goes unnoticed until a fracture occurs, significantly impacting the quality of life.  Among the various fractures associated with osteoporosis, foot fractures are particularly concerning. As an experienced podiatrist, Francine Rhinehart, DPM, specializes in helping...

Halt Heel Pain with Shoe Inserts May 17th, 2024

Whether you’re an avid runner going for a PR, a hiker on the trails of Oak Cliff Nature Preserve, or a parent rushing through life, heel pain can be a cruel foe — but it’s not undefeatable.  Francine Rhinhart, DPM, offers Dallasites a simple yet life-changing solution — shoe inserts....

Why do Diabetics Have to Take Extra Care of Their Feet? Apr 1st, 2024

Almost 30 million women, men, and kids in the United States have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. When you have diabetes, you have to monitor your blood glucose levels to be sure they don’t get too high. However, in addition to monitoring your blood glucose, you have to...

What Causes a Morton’s Neuroma? Mar 18th, 2024

Morton’s neuroma is a condition that happens when the nerve between your third and fourth toes becomes compressed, leading to pain in the ball of your foot. It’s also sometimes referred to as intermetatarsal neuromas or interdigital neuromas. When you have Morton’s neuroma, the tissue surrounding one of the nerves...

How Can I Prevent My Nail Fungus From Spreading to My Partner? Feb 1st, 2024

Toenail fungus isn’t a serious medical condition, but that doesn’t stop it from being stubborn to treat. Toenail fungus also creates cosmetic issues that force your toes into hiding, thanks to unsightly nails. In other words, this is a condition you don’t want to spread around. At our podiatry practice,...

Injection Therapy for Ball of Foot Pain: How It Works Jan 19th, 2024

Whether you’re standing, walking, or running, the balls of your feet bear the pressure of most of your body weight. Pain in the ball of your foot can flare up with every step and limit your ability to complete everyday tasks. If you have ball of foot pain, a board-certified...

7 Common Foot Problems that Custom Orthotics Can Treat Dec 8th, 2023

If you're struggling with foot issues, you aren’t alone. Roughly 75% of people have had some issue with their feet, according to an American Podiatric Medical Association survey. Your feet bear the brunt of your daily activities, yet they’re easily overlooked unless problems arise.  Custom orthotics can improve a broad...

Preventing Diabetic Foot Problems Nov 7th, 2023

About 130,000 of the 200,000 foot amputations in the United States each year are due to diabetes complications. Women and men with diabetes also have a 1 in 10 chance of developing stubborn foot ulcers and a 50% chance of debilitating foot pain related to diabetes. Francine Rhinehart, DPM, is...

Upping Your Miles This Fall? Here’s How to Avoid Common Runner’s Injuries Oct 1st, 2023

As the summer heat transitions into brisk fall breezes, you might start to see more people jogging or running to take advantage of the cooler weather. Running is a great way to take advantage of the beautiful fall weather and enjoy some time outside. Plus, the activity is beneficial to...

6 Lesser-Known Facts About Your Feet Sep 1st, 2023

Your feet are incredible structures that often don’t get the attention they deserve. You rely on them every day to carry you through life’s adventures, yet many people know very little about their feet. In fact, you might not think much about them at all until they hurt. In the spirit...

Tips for Getting Rid of Visible Veins in Your Feet Aug 1st, 2023

Visible veins in your feet can appear as bulging or spidery veins. While they’re usually harmless, you might not like how they look, and sometimes they can be a symptom of a health issue. Let’s see what you can do about them.  Dr. Francine Rhinehart, DPM, in Oak Cliff, Dallas,...

Why Do I Keep Getting Athlete’s Foot? Jul 10th, 2023

Despite its name, athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) can happen to anyone. And for some people, it’s a recurrent problem that seems to come back without explanation — or so it would seem.  Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that causes flaky skin (scaling) and painful cracking (fissures), especially between the toes. Without...

Yes, There Are Exercises for Your Feet Jun 1st, 2023

People suffering from fallen arches, or flat feet, can suffer some significant discomfort when standing or walking. Some are born with this condition, while others develop flat feet later in life when the arches of their feet “fall” or collapse due to injury, obesity, or other causes.  Francine Rhinehart, DPM, works...

Embrace These Healthy Habits, and Your Feet Will Thank You For It May 2nd, 2023

Your feet are an amazing piece of the puzzle that is the human body, holding nearly a quarter of all the bones you have, housing 33 joints, 19 muscles, 10 tendons, and 107 ligaments to help you do everything from standing up to dancing. They have a quarter of a...

When Do Warts Become a Health Concern? Apr 1st, 2023

A wart is a common skin infection that develops when the human papillomavirus (HPV) enters the skin through a break or cut. Warts can form on any part of your body, from your feet to your genitals.  In most cases, warts are harmless, and they usually go away on their own with...

Signs You Have Corns Mar 1st, 2023

The skin on your feet has to stand up to a lot, including pressure and friction from the footwear you use each day to stand, walk, run, and otherwise get around. Corns and calluses are the names we use for thickened areas of skin on your feet (or hands or...

Gout: What Is It, and How Can I Get Rid of It? Feb 6th, 2023

Of the many joint conditions under the arthritis umbrella, gout may hit the fastest and hardest, creating intense, sharp pain usually in the big toe, though it can affect the ankle, knee, or other joints in rare cases. Fortunately, gout is easy to treat, and it’s possible to prevent future attacks. Without...

What Causes Toenail Fungus? Jan 5th, 2023

If you’ve noticed your nails are becoming thickened or yellowed, you’ll want to resist the temptation to cover it up with nail polish because yellow, crumbly, or thickened nails are signs of a toenail fungus. Often, a fungal infection that’s minor can be remedied with over-the-counter medications; however, toenail fungus...

The Best (and Worst) Shoes for Your Neuroma Pain Dec 1st, 2022

Morton’s neuroma is a condition that causes inflammation in the nerves between the bones in your toes. What results is a lot of pain in your feet and between your toes. Neuroma also makes it painful to walk. Wearing particular shoes can either worsen or help relieve this pain.  If you’ve...

5 Health Benefits of Custom Orthotics Nov 1st, 2022

There are many reasons why you might benefit from custom-made orthotic shoe inserts. Maybe you have an old trauma or injury that causes foot pain and aches. Maybe the shape of your feet is unusual or unique. Or, maybe chronic conditions like arthritis have caused degeneration in your feet, leading you...

How to Get Rid of Unsightly Veins in Your Feet Oct 1st, 2022

Your circulatory system is the method by which blood travels from your heart throughout your body, taking precious nutrients, oxygen, and other life preserving materials to a range of organs and tissues that need it. Problems with this system can lead to abnormal blood flow, and cause several complications.  Varicose...

What Is Aesthetic Podiatry? Sep 1st, 2022

Foot problems are common, which is why the demand for foot masks, pedicures, and other cosmetic treatments for feet and nails goes up each summer.  If you’re dealing with a skin condition, nail problem, or foot trauma, you no longer have to hide your feet in shoes that may make...

The Link Between Diabetes and Nail Fungus Aug 1st, 2022

Checking your feet every day is crucial if you have diabetes. As you may well know, your podiatrist and primary care physician encourage you to report any new sores or unusual defects on your feet as they can lead to major foot complications like foot and ankle ulcers. Your feet...

I Have Athlete’s Foot. Now What? Jul 1st, 2022

When your feet are irritated, it makes even putting socks on painful and uncomfortable. There are a lot of conditions that can lead to skin problems on your feet, including athlete’s foot. This problem is extremely uncomfortable, and leads to pain when wearing socks or shoes. The name is deceiving, though,...

Shoe Hacks That Help with Toe Arthritis Jun 1st, 2022

Various types of arthritis, including more common diagnoses like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, can significantly damage the joints in your toes. Pain, swelling, and stiffness come with toe arthritis, but fortunately these issues can be addressed with toe arthritis treatment directed by a professional podiatrist.  International Aesthetic Foot Society-trained podiatrist Francine Rhinehart, DPM,...

Diet Tips to Keep Gout At Bay May 4th, 2022

If you’ve ever had a gout attack, you know how painful they can be. While anyone can develop gout, you’re more likely to develop it if you have a family history of gout or kidney problems that reduce your ability to excrete uric acid. When that uric acid builds up...

How a Weak Immune System Can Cause Nail Problems Apr 1st, 2022

Have your toenails thickened? Are they discolored or misshapen? Have they become brittle and crumbly? Why do you have these issues? You’re more likely to develop problems with your nails if you have a weakened immune system.  From her practice in Dallas, Texas, Francine Rhinehart, DPM, is the expert you want to see...

Who Can Benefit from a Shoe Insert? Mar 3rd, 2022

When it comes to simply walking, running, or standing, your feet are an essential part of balance and coordination for your body. Sadly, foot problems are all too common, with 75% of Americans dealing with one or more foot problems in their lifetime, 20% dealing with high arches, and 25%...

Will a Neuroma Go Away on Its Own? Feb 1st, 2022

Have you ever felt like you have something in your shoe but find nothing there when you check? This unusual pain in the bottom of your foot may be a warning sign of a Morton’s neuroma. At the office of Francine Rhinehart, DPM, in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas,...

Is Nail Fungus Contagious? Jan 13th, 2022

Your feet are tough, carrying the weight of your body through each day. It may be surprising to learn that a microscopic organism called a dermatophyte can affect this robust part of your body. A type of mold fungus, dermatophytes are the reason behind many cases of nail fungus, an...

Six Treatments for Morton’s Neuroma Dec 1st, 2021

Morton’s neuroma is a common problem. In fact, it affects approximately 1 in 3 people, most often women. It develops when the nerve between your toe bones becomes irritated or inflamed. This can lead to discomfort on the bottom of your foot, making it difficult and painful to walk. The...

4 Reasons To See a Podiatrist About Your Heel Pain Nov 8th, 2021

Aches and pains become familiar companions as you get older. You might think of your foot pain and heel pain as simply part of a new normal once you age. However, lingering heel pain can be a sign of an underlying condition that would benefit from professional evaluation. Expert podiatrist...

Bothered by Flat Feet? Custom Shoe Inserts Can Help Oct 11th, 2021

Flat feet, or fallen arches, are a fairly common condition. You can tell if you have flat feet when your feet get wet and step on cement: If you leave an imprint of an entire foot, then you have flat feet. A normal imprint, with an arch, only shows the...

How to Protect Your Feet When You Have Diabetes Sep 14th, 2021

Diabetes affects more than 34 million people in the United States, and another 88 million have prediabetes. Type 2 accounts for up to 95% of diabetes cases. Having diabetes means making certain lifestyle and dietary changes and keeping an eye on your foot health. That’s because diabetes can cause problems...

What Happens When Athlete’s Foot is Left Untreated? Aug 20th, 2021

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that usually develops between the toes. If you’re afflicted with athlete’s foot, the skin between your toes may feel itchy, and your skin may begin to look red, dried, and cracked.  You may see your skin become thicker and whiter, and you may develop...

Why Does the Ball of My Foot Hurt? Jul 12th, 2021

Foot pain of any kind can make it hard for you to manage your day-to-day activities. The ball of your foot forms the connection between your foot bones and toe bones and helps the heel-to-toe mechanics needed for walking, running, jumping, and climbing. Pain in the ball of your foot...

Five Tips to Manage Toe Arthritis Jun 10th, 2021

Your big toe plays an important role in your ability to walk, stand, and participate in many daily activities. When you walk, your big toe absorbs forces equal to almost twice your weight, making it vulnerable to damage from overuse.  When toe arthritis strikes, it typically causes pain in your...

When to Consider Custom Foot Inserts May 9th, 2021

Take a look at your feet and consider for a moment all that these relatively small appendages are responsible for in terms of mobility and support. This means that every component in your foot needs to work in harmony so that you can make your way through life with ease....

Cracked and Yellow Nails: Can Lasers Help? Apr 6th, 2021

While incredibly common and not necessarily dangerous, toenail fungus is one stubborn condition to get rid of once it takes hold. If you’re tired of yellow, crumbling, misshapen toenails that you’re forced to hide, why not let them see the light through the power of light laser therapy? At our...

How Does Diabetes Affect Foot Health Mar 10th, 2021

More than 34 million adults in America are living with diabetes. Taking special care of your feet is a major part of living well with diabetes. That’s because diabetes affects foot health and without proper care, you’re at risk for foot ulcers, serious foot infections, and even amputation. In fact,...

Bothered by the Look of Your Feet? Aesthetic Podiatry Can Help Feb 10th, 2021

Every summer, the demand for foot masks, pedicures, and other aesthetic treatments goes up. If you feel like your feet aren’t sandal-ready due to conditions like warts, toenail deformities, or fungus, an experienced podiatrist can help tackle those problems in time for summer. Don’t get stuck wearing sneakers or Crocs...

When Are Your Nail Problems Cause for Concern? Jan 5th, 2021

Did you know that your nails are a sneak peek at your overall health? The color and texture of your nails can indicate anything from fungal infections to anemia. Although it’s tempting to cover  discolored nails with nail polish, it’s important to get to the root of the problem.  At...

5 Ways You Can Take Care of Your Feet This Winter Dec 1st, 2020

Cooler winter weather brings different challenges for your skin, hair, and other body parts than the heat of summertime does. Whether you live in an area that sees only mildly chilly weather or you get more than one day of frost, we recommend considering the winter health of two of...

What Causes Toenail Fungus and How Can I Get Rid of It? Nov 1st, 2020

Are your toes ready for summer? If not, you’re not alone. Fungal infections account for about half of all nail diseases. It’s not always easy to talk about yellow or thick toenails, but you don’t have to hide your nails forever. Fungal infections can be treated, but how do you...

Signs You're Living With a Stress Fracture in Your Foot Oct 15th, 2020

Your feet contain about a quarter of your body’s bones — 26 in each to be exact — and these tiny bones are responsible for an awful lot in terms of mobility and support. In the course of their daily pursuits, they can develop small fractures, which may not be...

5 Tips for Preventing Athlete’s Foot This Summer Sep 9th, 2020

Athlete’s foot is the term for a very common fungal infection — and you don’t have to be an athlete to get it. The fungus that causes athlete’s foot is prevalent in dark, damp places like the floors and showers of public pools and recreational locker rooms (which is why...

Learn How Amniotic Stem Cell Therapy Can Treat Morton's Neuroma Aug 20th, 2020

Do you often find yourself rubbing the balls of your feet in pain? Morton’s neuroma is a benign, but painful, ailment that occurs when the tissue around the big toe becomes irritated or compressed.  Because of irritation and compression, the tissue between the balls of the foot and your metatarsal...

What Shoes Fit My Lifestyle? Jul 2nd, 2020

Shoes are literally the basis of any wardrobe. And while they can help you express your sense of style, they provide far more than a fashion statement. Choosing shoes that fit well, suit your lifestyle, and support your feet and body can go a long way toward promoting and sustaining...

High Heels and Morton's Neuroma: Yes, There Is a Connection Mar 11th, 2020

If you wear high heels regularly and have noticed pain or pressure in your toes, you may be experiencing symptoms of Morton’s neuroma, which happens when thickened tissue forms around a particular nerve. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) reports that women are up to ten times more likely...

Does Toenail Fungus Ever Go Away on Its Own? Feb 17th, 2020

There’s nothing fun about toenail fungus. Also known as onychomycosis, it often starts as a skin infection called tinea pedis, the technical term for athlete’s foot. Fungus then builds up under the nail fold, gradually leading to changes in appearance. Your toenails may become thick with a yellowish or brownish...

The Importance of Having a Board-Certified Podiatrist on Your Diabetic Care Team Jan 1st, 2020

Our feet take us wherever we need to go, and the average person walks between 8,000 and 10,000 steps every day. We don’t often think about our feet until we have a problem, but there are steps everyone should take to protect their foot health, including wearing appropriate footwear, cutting...

Do You Wake Up to Heel Pain? It Could be Plantar Fasciitis Dec 5th, 2019

If your first steps each day involve throbbing foot pain near your heel, you could be one of the many people in the US who have plantar fasciitis. Although symptoms of this inflammatory condition tend to be the worst upon waking, they can also flare up after standing up, sitting...