Yes, There Are Exercises for Your Feet

Yes, There Are Exercises for Your Feet

People suffering from fallen arches, or flat feet, can suffer some significant discomfort when standing or walking. Some are born with this condition, while others develop flat feet later in life when the arches of their feet “fall” or collapse due to injury, obesity, or other causes. 

Francine Rhinehart, DPM, works with patients in the Dallas, Texas, area to help them find relief from pain and increase mobility when they suffer from various foot conditions. Not all foot problems require professional treatment or surgery. In fact, you can improve your flat feet condition by practicing a few simple exercises to strengthen your foot muscles. This can help relieve foot pain so you enjoy greater freedom of mobility. 

You may also benefit from physical therapy to straighten your foot arches, improve balance, and ease discomfort. Shoe inserts are another therapeutic option Dr. Rhinehart may recommend to help you walk and live with less pain and better mobility. 

Foot exercises to reduce arch pain

After examining your feet and diagnosing flat arches, Dr. Rhinehart may recommend several foot exercises. At first, these may seem challenging, especially if you suffer from significant foot pain. However, regardless of your condition’s severity, practicing the following exercises regularly can help you strengthen your feet, ankles, and legs so you experience less foot pain. 

1. Calf raises 

Calf exercises are designed to build strength in your ankle and calf muscles to improve balance. Perform these simple calf raises standing flat on the floor or on the edge of a step with your heels hanging off. 

Begin by standing with your bare feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lift your heels until you’re balanced on the balls of your feet (not your toes). Slowly lower your heels down. Repeat this exercise with both feet together eight times, for three rounds.

2. Heel and toe walking 

If balance isn’t a serious issue for you, walk across a room on your heels, toes pointed up. Turn around and walk back on your tip-toes. Both these exercises are good for strengthening ankle and foot muscles and are best accomplished without footwear. 

3. Toe taps 

Begin with your bare feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your foot forward and tap your toes on the ground. As you stretch your toes, try to feel the floor with each one. This exercise helps increase flexibility and mobility. 

4. Toe scrunches

You can use a small towel or several small marbles to perform this exercise. Place the towel or a handful of marbles on the ground. Use your toes to pick up the items and then place them back down. Repeat several times with each foot. This exercise strengthens the arch muscles in your feet. 

Treatments for fallen arches

People can develop painful fallen arches from injury, obesity, and even diabetes. Dr. Rhinehart can perform a detailed exam, diagnose your problem, and recommend the best treatment solutions — including shoe inserts or other orthotics — to relieve foot pain and limited mobility. 

Are you ready to do something about your fallen arches? Contact Francine Rhinehart, DPM — conveniently located in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas — to schedule an exam and consultation today. You may also book an appointment online.

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