Learn How Amniotic Stem Cell Therapy Can Treat Morton's Neuroma

Do you often find yourself rubbing the balls of your feet in pain? Morton’s neuroma is a benign, but painful, ailment that occurs when the tissue around the big toe becomes irritated or compressed. 

Because of irritation and compression, the tissue between the balls of the foot and your metatarsal bones thickens, causing symptoms such as pain, tingling, and discomfort.

If you don’t want to rely on painkillers to manage the pain, there are alternatives. One of these alternatives comes with minimal side effects, and it doesn’t involve the use of drugs. 

We asked Dr. Francine Rhinehart how amniotic stem cell therapy can help with Morton's neuroma. Read on to find out how you can relieve your symptoms.

How Amniotic stem cell therapy relieves pain 

Amniotic stem cell therapy is a form of therapy that makes use of growth factors, proteins, and other substances that are known to repair and heal tissues. 

Amniotic stem cells are harvested from the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus in the womb. Usually, this fluid is discarded, but many mothers consent to donating the amniotic fluid so that it can be used in regenerative medicine treatments.

When injected, amniotic fluid relieves inflammation and encourages healing by releasing growth factors and hyaluronic acid, which, in turn, lubricates the joints and the tissues inside the foot.

How to keep your feet pain-free after the treatment 

Morton’s neuroma is most common in middle-aged women. A contributing factor to developing the condition is wearing tight shoes and high heels. Other possible causes include gait abnormalities, flat feet, high arches, bunions, and hammertoes. 

Although there isn’t much you can do about your foot abnormalities, you can make a change to your daily routines to allow your feet to heal. Avoiding repetitive activities such as running or jogging may help. Opt for physical activities that don’t work the same muscles two days in the row. 

Get a diagnosis and personalized treatment for your foot pain

Morton’s neuroma is often confused with a stress fracture. When you walk into our office, Dr. Rhinehart performs a gait assessment and may manipulate your foot to see what kind of movements trigger pain and what other symptoms accompany the pain. Depending on the results of your physical, she may also order an X-ray. 

Based on your diagnosis, she may recommend amniotic stem cell therapy, shoe inserts, shoe padding, shoe modifications, or NSAIDs. 

If you’re looking for relief for your pain, contact us to schedule an appointment. Dr. Rhinehart offers affordable and flexible self-pay options for her patients in Dallas, Texas, so you can get the care you need, even when working with a tight budget.

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