What Is Aesthetic Podiatry?

What Is Aesthetic Podiatry?

Foot problems are common, which is why the demand for foot masks, pedicures, and other cosmetic treatments for feet and nails goes up each summer. 

If you’re dealing with a skin condition, nail problem, or foot trauma, you no longer have to hide your feet in shoes that may make you feel hot and uncomfortable. 

Aesthetic podiatry is a field that deals not only with how feet function, but it also deals with how they look. In this blog, expert podiatrist Francine Rhinehart, DPM, whose practice is in Dallas, Texas, explains some of the conditions aesthetic podiatry can treat. 

Common aesthetic concerns treated by a podiatrist 

Aesthetic podiatry not only treats the root of the problem, but it also offers solutions for beautifying feet and nails. Here are a few examples of how Dr. Rhinehart can help. 

Plantar warts 

Plantar warts are small, rough growths on the balls and heels of the feet. They cause the skin to thicken, and they manifest small black points on the hardened skin, called wart seeds.

These warts are caused by the HPV virus, and this virus usually enters through cuts or cracks on the bottoms of the feet. People who expose their feet in public places, such as gyms or pools, have a higher chance of developing them. 

Fortunately, plantar warts aren’t serious, and they can usually be removed easily with a chemical peel, cryotherapy, or laser therapy. If needed, they can also be removed through surgery. 

Toenail conditions and trauma 

Due to fungal infections, ingrown toenails, or trauma, toenails can become hard, discolored, and misshapen. 

After treating the underlying issues, you don’t have to wait until your nails heal on their own, which can take time. With the help of new technology that involves resin, Dr. Rhinehart can create a fake nail that goes on top of your damaged toenail, enhancing the aesthetics of your feet. 


On the feet, hyperpigmentation is often caused by sun exposure. Sunspots appear when you don’t wear sunscreen on your feet yet expose them to strong UV rays. These spots can also appear on the foot and ankle, and sometimes they can indicate skin cancer. 

Dr. Rhinehart may recommend a biopsy to determine what kind of spots they are. However, if the sunspots don’t look suspicious, she can use lasers to break down the pigment and eliminate the spots. 

Get the care your feet need 

If you have problems with your feet — aesthetic or otherwise — Dr. Rhinehart can give you the help you need. She’ll give your feet a thorough evaluation and discuss your next steps.

To learn more, call 469-754-8960 or book an appointment online with the practice of Francine Rhinehart, DPM, today.

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