Six Treatments for Morton’s Neuroma

Six Treatments for Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a common problem. In fact, it affects approximately 1 in 3 people, most often women. It develops when the nerve between your toe bones becomes irritated or inflamed. This can lead to discomfort on the bottom of your foot, making it difficult and painful to walk.

The problem with Morton’s neuroma is that it doesn’t cause outward symptoms, like a bump or lump. Instead, it causes physical discomfort, such as:

However, since these symptoms involve a nerve, it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible to avoid ongoing or worsening problems.

Dr. Francine Rhinehart brings her experience as a podiatrist to people in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas, Texas. If you have Morton’s neuroma, here are six treatments that can help manage your condition.

1. Change your shoes

Do you have discomfort in the ball of your foot? Change your shoes. Morton’s neuroma typically occurs in response to nerve irritation, so avoid wearing tight, poorly fitting shoes or those that put extra pressure on the ball of your foot or toes — like high heels. Instead, opt for comfortable shoes with extra depth and plenty of room in the toe box.

2. Add some padding

If you spend a lot of time on your feet, especially engaging in activities like running, it’s essential to reduce pressure on the balls of your feet and toes. In these cases, Dr. Rhinehart could recommend shoe pads that add more cushioning support in the areas where you need it most.

3. Don’t forget your inserts

Your footwear isn’t the only thing that can increase your chances of Morton’s neuroma. This condition can also develop due to other foot problems, like bunions, hammertoes, and high or low arches. 

Dr. Rhinehart can evaluate your feet and gait to determine what’s to blame for your symptoms. Depending on her assessment, she could recommend custom orthotic inserts to correct structural problems and reduce pressure on the affected nerve.

4. Try pain relievers

Do you have pain and inflammation? Over-the-counter medications, like ibuprofen, help reduce swelling and discomfort. 

In addition to using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), it can be soothing to massage the tender area of your foot and apply ice regularly. And, if possible, try reducing high-impact activities, like running or dancing, for a few weeks to avoid unnecessary pressure on your feet.

5. Use steroid injections 

When you have significant pain that doesn’t respond to conservative treatments, Dr. Rhinehart might suggest steroid injections. This treatment involves injecting anti-inflammatory drugs directly into the area causing your pain to soothe the affected nerve.

For lasting pain relief, steroid injections should be part of a comprehensive treatment strategy that includes shoe modifications, shoe padding, and/or shoe inserts.

6. Heal damage at the site

Unlike steroid injections that deliver medication to the irritated nerve, amniotic regenerative therapy focuses on healing the nerve. 

Amniotic regenerative therapy is a specialized area of medicine dedicated to using powerful substances in the body, like amniotic stem cells, to repair damage and disease. When injected into the affected area in your foot, these cells trigger the healing process and reduce inflammation and pain.

Don’t ignore the signs of Morton’s neuroma. Dr. Rhinehart can help create a personalized treatment strategy to get you on your feet again, pain-free.

Contact our office in Oak Cliff to schedule an appointment with Francine Rhinehart, DPM, by calling 214-216-6538 or booking a consultation online today.

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